Переклади, аналітика, моніторинг - Україна (і не лише) очима іноземних ЗМІ
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Знайдено на сайті:Economist, The
Мова:9 (English / English)

Libel reform: Tourists go home


ABUSE of free speech by the powerful arouses public ire—whether the culprits are newspaper proprietors bullying politicians or thin-skinned tycoons silencing their critics with libel writs. The government moved on one front on May 9th, announcing libel-law reform in the Queen’s Speech. That should make cases in England (Scotland has its own legal system) cheaper, simpler and fairer—at least by the dire standards of current arrangements. If the new law starts in the House of Lords it would reach the Commons in the autumn—just in time to include any legal changes arising from Lord Justice Leveson’s inquiry into the press.One aim is to curb libel tourism—the practice of foreigners (usually rich ones) suing other foreigners (usually poor news outlets) in English courts. Under the existing law, even a tangential instance of publication—say a Ukrainian website read by only a handful in England—can give rise to a libel suit. Now all claimants must show serious harm to their reputation—and those from outside the European Union will face even tougher tests.American publishers and authors will be glad. They are used to strict First Amendment protection of anything they say about public figures and find it scandalous that they can still risk expensive lawsuits in London if someone they criticise chooses to sue there. Angry American lawmakers have passed retaliatory laws.A second...

google translate:  переклад
Дата публікації:10.05.2012 18:06:15
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Додано:10.05.2012 17:12:43

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