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Mark Levin Unleashes On Trump’s Pro-Russia, Anti-Ukraine Stance: “MAGA Doesn’t Support Putin!”

Резюме:Mark Levin, one of America’s most unyielding conservative voices, took to the airwaves in a scathing response to President Donald Trump’s latest rhetoric on the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Levin, a constitutional scholar and unwavering defender of conservative principles, systematically dismantled a series of misleading claims made by Trump, offering his audience a hard-hitting history lesson on Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s brutal rise to power. With his signature intensity, Levin did not mince words as he defended Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky against Trump’s attacks, which accused the wartime leader of refusing to hold elections and being responsible for the war that has left millions dead. Levin fired back, setting the record straight: Putin, not Zelensky, launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The conservative firebrand took his listeners through a chilling account of Putin’s past, highlighting his roots in the KGB and his alliances with the notorious East German Stasi. Levin made it clear that equating Ukraine’s emergency martial law measures—implemented in accordance with its constitution—with the actions of a dictator like Putin was nothing short of absurd. “I don’t have a problem if the administration wants to cut back on support for Ukraine—I oppose that, by the way—but at least let’s put the facts on the table,” Levin declared. “MAGA doesn’t support Putin.” Levin ridiculed the notion that Putin had any moral authority to demand democratic elections in Ukraine when Russia itself is a totalitarian state where political opponents are imprisoned or murdered. “Why is Putin demanding an election in Ukraine when he doesn’t have free and fair elections in his own country?” Levin thundered. “And why does he get to call the shots when in fact, he murders people who dare to challenge him?” Levin’s takedown was particularly damning because of his long-standing support for Trump, having endorsed him early in the 2024 Republican primary with the declaration, “He’s the guy.” But on this issue, Levin did not hold back, confronting what he saw as reckless and misleading claims that could reshape conservative opinion in dangerous ways. The veteran broadcaster also took direct aim at Trump’s recent Truth Social tirade, in which the former president painted Zelensky as a corrupt, failing leader, blamed him for the war, and accused him of siphoning off U.S. aid. Levin dismissed such assertions outright, citing polling data that showed Zelensky retaining majority support in Ukraine, unlike Putin, who rules under the iron fist of authoritarian repression. “Ukraine did not invade Russia,” Levin stated emphatically. “Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine doesn’t have the industrial might of Russia or China. It’s a small, agricultural nation fighting for survival.” He went on to quote Reagan, Churchill, and Patton, reminding his audience that true peace is never achieved through surrender. Though he acknowledged that Trump may have the diplomatic prowess to eventually broker peace, Levin insisted that peace must not come “at any cost.” The idea that Ukraine should capitulate by holding unconstitutional elections or ceding more territory to Russia was, in Levin’s view, an insult to its people and their struggle for sovereignty. “This is about right and wrong,” Levin concluded. “And conservatives should stand on the side of truth, not on the side of Russian propaganda.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
google translate:  переклад
Дата публікації:20.02.2025 23:30:31
Url коментарів:https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general/2367387/mark-levin-unleashes-on-trumps-pro-russia-anti-ukraine-stance-maga-doesnt-support-putin.html#respond
Категорії (оригінал):Featured;Headlines & Breaking News;US & World News
Додано:21.02.2025 1:13:49

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