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Russia Fires Barrage Of Drones, Cruise And Ballistic Missiles At Kyiv As Children Return To School

Резюме:Russia launched an overnight barrage of drones and cruise and ballistic missiles at Kyiv, officials said Monday, as children prepared to return to school across Ukraine. Some pupils found classes canceled because of damage from the attack. Several series of explosions rocked the Ukrainian capital in the early hours. Debris from intercepted missiles and drones fell in every district of Kyiv, wounding three people and damaging two kindergartens, Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said. City authorities reported multiple fires. After more than 900 days of the war, Russia and Ukraine show no sign of letting up in the fight or moving closer to the negotiating table. Both sides are pursuing ambitious ground offensives, with the Ukrainians driving into Russia’s Kursk region and the Russian army pushing deeper into the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine that is part of the industrial Donbas region. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that Ukraine’s Kursk assault won’t prevent Russian forces from advancing in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian forces haven’t achieved their goal of diverting Russian troops from the fighting there, he said. “The main task that the enemy set for themselves — to stop our offensive in Donbas — they haven’t achieved it,” Putin told school students during a trip to southern Siberia. However, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said last month that the aim of the Kursk incursion is to create a buffer zone that might prevent further attacks by Moscow across the border. Putin predicted that Ukraine’s Kursk offensive, which began Aug. 6, will fail and that subsequently Kyiv officials will want “to move to peace talks.” Russia launched 35 missiles of various types and 26 Shahed drones at Ukraine overnight from Sunday to Monday, the Ukrainian air force said. Nine ballistic missiles, 13 cruise missiles and 20 drones were downed, it said. Residents of the capital hurried into the city’s bomb shelters. Oksana Argunova, an 18-year-old student at a Kyiv high school, said that she was still shaking after the nighttime scare. “I woke up, my neighbor was shouting: ‘Let’s go down (to the shelter), there are big explosions.’ We all ran,” Argunova told The Associated Press. Monday was the first day back at school after the summer vacation. In Ukraine, the day involves ceremonies and rituals. Students of all ages and often teachers or parents wear traditional costumes. Celebrations include concerts and dances. Small groups of children and parents gathered outside a damaged Kyiv school as firefighters put out flames and removed rubble. One 39-year-old mother turned up at the school with her 7-year-old daughter, Sophia, unaware it had been hit. It was Sophia’s first day at what for her was a new school, her mother said, after a frightening night. “Of course, the child was scared. We hid in the bathroom, where it was relatively safe,” said the mother, who provided only her first name, Olena. “Today is one of the most important days of the year for millions of our Ukrainian children, families and teachers,” Zelenskyy said on his Telegram channel. “Ukraine is doing everything to give children as many opportunities as possible. And all our schools, all higher education institutions that are working today are proof of the resilience of our people and the strength of Ukraine,” he said. Both sides are battering each other with regular long-range drone and missile […]
google translate:  переклад
Дата публікації:02.09.2024 15:00:26
Url коментарів:https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general/2310829/russia-fires-barrage-of-drones-cruise-and-ballistic-missiles-at-kyiv-as-children-return-to-school.html#respond
Категорії (оригінал):Headlines & Breaking News;US & World News
Додано:02.09.2024 16:14:13

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