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FILM+ Launches the Call for Young Filmmakers’s Projects


Early career filmmakers from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine are invited to submit their projects to the 7th edition of FILM+, the support program for independent low budget film productions.

The FILM+ program supports filmmakers who have not yet made their feature film debut and those who have a short film or feature film project debut in development, production or post-production. Projects can be submitted by filling in the online forms on the FILM+ website, at  https://film-plus.ro/how-to-apply/ until August 5th.

FILM + facilitates the development of selected projects, regardless of the genre of films (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental) and the stage they are at the time of application (script development, production, post-production).

For 10 straight months, filmmakers benefit from opportunities for professional, creative and networking development, participate in workshops, masterclasses, case studies and debates, as well as individual and group learning sessions, coordinated by the professionals and partners involved in the program, as follows:

  •      FILM + Development Lab

This section is dedicated to the projects in the early stages of development. The selected projects will benefit from guidance for script development and preparation for the financing and production stages. The production budget is NOT an eligibility criterion.

  •      FILM + Production Lab

This section of the program includes low-budget film projects (under 30,000 euros) that are in an advanced stage of preparation, and which need support for filming and production (directing, image, sound, depending on the specific needs of the project). The selected projects can also benefit from physical resources (equipment, filming locations, completion of the technical and creative team).

  •      FILM + Work in Progress Lab

The filmmakers selected in this section will receive support for the completion of projects (low-budget films, under 30,000 euros), benefiting from guidance, feedback and technical support, depending on the needs of each project (editing, image and / or sound post-processing, special effects, graphics, etc.)

The results of the Film + 2022 - 2023 selection will be announced during the second half of September.

Conceived as a working, support and promotion laboratory dedicated to independent film, animation and video art projects, FILM+ is the first program in Central and Eastern Europe, held annually, which brings together resources and expertise within a regional collaboration platform, designed to offer professional support to young filmmakers. The program has a practical approach, focused on the development, making and promotion of microbudget audiovisual productions of young graduates or self-taught artists from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova and, starting this year, from Ukraine, using the experience of established professionals in Romanian and International cinema.

In the six previous editions held so far, FILM+ has supported the development of 85 projects and offered the young filmmakers the opportunity to participate in residencies, workshops and masterclasses given by renowned filmmakers and specialists such as  Alexander Nanau, Andrei Ujică, Ada Solomon, Corneliu Porumboiu, Elma Tataragic, Maša Marković, Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan, Radu Jude, Radu Muntean, Ralitza Petrova, Paul Tyler, Selin Karli, Srdan Golubović, Olga Lamontanara, Amra Bakšić Čamo and other personalities from the film industry.

The FILM+ program was founded in 2016 by a team of Romanian film professionals, consisting of the director of photography Ana Drăghici, the producer Anamaria Antoci, the director Paul Negoescu and Alex Trăilă, a consultant in cinematography and audiovisual with the sole purpose of providing resources and expertise on a collaboration platform which supports filmmakers.

Film+ is implemented by the Graphis 122 Association, together with partners and specialists involved in the mentoring program.

The seventh edition of Film+ is co-funded by the European Commission's Creative Europe - MEDIA programme* and the National Center of Cinematography.


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