Переклади, аналітика, моніторинг - Україна (і не лише) очима іноземних ЗМІ
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Help A Brother Shliach Recover From Corona And Keep His Family Strong!


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Cohen, shliach in Mariupol, Ukraine, has been airlifted to Israel after contracting COVID last week. Today, the worldwide Chabad Community is asked to unite in support of the Cohen family at helpabrother.rallybound.org to help them recover, reconnect, and rebuild amidst tremendous adversity. In the past few years, Rabbi Cohen’s family and community have endured the rockets of war, the bitterness of hunger, and the terror of anti-semitism. Earlier this year, his community was shaken when a man armed with an axe broke into the Chabad facilities in Mariupol with the intention to harm Jews at prayer. Thank G-d, the attack was prevented by a security guard who disarmed the man before anyone was hurt. The only synagogue in Mariupol, Rabbi Cohen’s fearless determination and self sacrifice has led his community through all hardship―meeting the emotional, spiritual, and material needs of his people no matter how difficult. Throughout the pandemic, Rabbi Cohen and his family has provided humanitarian relief to the entire community, from hot food, everyday medicines, and medical assistance for the elderly, to helping families in need receive psychological treatment, dental care, and educational support. “The Rabbi sincerely worried about each one of us,” explains Lеоnid Bliachman, community member. “Although he was in a very tough situation, he would find strength to stay in touch with everyone, to inquire about health conditions, and to check whether and how he could help.” Now, his wife and five children find themselves burdened with tremendous emotional and financial difficulty, as he fights to regain his health and overcome this terrible disease. We are one people. One family. Today, we ask you step-up and stand strong for one of our family members in need―our brother, who has endured so much for the wellbeing of others. Please join now at helpabrother.rallybound.org and help the Cohen family raise $200,000 to recover, reconnect, and rebuild their community and their lives.

The post Help A Brother Shliach Recover From Corona And Keep His Family Strong! appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

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Дата публікації:08.09.2020 17:00:00
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Додано:08.09.2020 17:13:57

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