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WATCH LIVE: Trump Unleashes Fury At Impeachment Enemies At Prayer Event, Second Speech From WhiteHouse


President Donald Trump unleashed his fury against those who tried to remove him from office at a prayer breakfast Thursday, a day after his acquittal by the Senate in his impeachment trial. Speaking from a stage where he was joined by congressional leaders, including Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who led the impeachment charge against him, Trump shattered the usual veneer of bipartisanship at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. “As everybody knows, my family, our great country and your president have been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people,” Trump said at the annual event. His airing of grievances came hours before he was to deliver a full response to the impeachment vote at the White House s urrounded by supporters. “They have done everything possible to destroy us and by so doing very badly hurt our nation,” said Trump, who triumphantly held up copies of two newspapers with banner “ACQUITTED” headlines as he took the stage. His remarks w ere especially jarring and whiplash-inducing coming after a series of scripture-quoting speeches, including a keynote address by Arthur Brooks, a Harvard professor and president of a conservative think tank, who had bemoane d a “crisis of contempt and polarization” in the nation and urged those gathered to ”love your enemies.” “I don’t know if I agree with you,” Trump said as he took the microphone, and then he proceeded to demonstrate it. “I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,” he said in an apparent reference to Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, a longtime Trump critic who cited his faith in becoming the only Republican to vote for Trump’s removal. “Nor do I like people who say ‘I pray for you’ when you know that is not so,’” he said, in a reference to Pelosi, who has offered that message for the president when the two leaders have sparred publicly. The House speaker shook her head at various points during Trump’s remarks, b ut did not appear to interact with Trump personally. Earlier she had offered a prayer for the poor and the persecuted. She said later that Trump’s remarks were “so completely inappropriate, especially at a prayer breakfast..” She took particular issue with his swipe at Romney’s faith and said that yes, she does pray for the president. His comments were a clear sign that the post-impeachment Trump is emboldened like never before as he barrels ahead in his reelection fight with a united Republican Party behind him. Republican senators voted largely in lockstep to acquit Trump on Wednesday, relying on a multitude of rationales for keeping him in office: He’s guilty, but his conduct wasn’t impeachable; his July telephone conversation with Ukraine’s president was a “perfect call”; there’s an election in 10 months and it’s up to voters to determine his fate. For Trump, there was one overriding message to draw from his acquittal: Even at a time of maximum political peril, it’s his Republican Party. Trum p had avoided talk of impeachment in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, h olding his tongue until the Senate had cast its official acquittal vote. By the next day, he was already moving to use impeachment as a 2020 rallying cry. Trump tweeted […]

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Дата публікації:06.02.2020 19:11:20
Url коментарів:https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/featured/1829479/watch-live-trump-unleashes-fury-at-impeachment-enemies-at-prayer-event-second-speech-from-whitehouse.html#respond
Категорії (оригінал):Featured;Headlines & Breaking News;US & World News;YWN Videos Of Interest;Slot1
Додано:06.02.2020 19:13:32

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