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Знайдено на сайті:The Observer
Мова:9 (English / English)

House releases transcripts from key witnesses in Trump impeachment inquiry – live


Committees release depositions with Marie Yovanovitch and Michael McKinley and say Volker and Sondland transcripts will follow

Congressman Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence committee who is leading the impeachment inquiry, said he expects the witnesses this afternoon to not show for their deposition, which he said the lawmakers will interpret as further obstruction of justice by the White House.

“These witnesses are significant and the White House understands they’re significant,” Schiff said during a press conference after releasing the transcripts.

Our world affairs editor Julian Borger is combing through the transcripts, tweeting his observations as they come.

This is wild
Yovanovitch was told by the state dept in the middle of the night on April 24-5 that she should get on the first plane to DC "This is about your security. You need to come home
immediately. You need to come home on the next plane." pic.twitter.com/L0dYFCdiWY

When Ambassador Yovanovitch was being attacked in the US press with baseless accusations she asked Gordon Sondland for advice. He said tweet praise of Trump pic.twitter.com/ZohDehDFLU

in newly released transcript former ambassador Masha Yovanovitch said she first became aware of Giuliani rooting around for damaging information about her in Nov-Dec 2018https://t.co/NpWEpzDWTz pic.twitter.com/4lmutXcTDt

Yovanovitch told investigators that in February, she spoke with Ukrainian Minister Arsen Avakov, who was “very concerned,” and told her she "really needed to watch [her] back” because Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were trying to get her removed as US ambassador to Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/T2aBQZbba0

/3 When conservatives began publicly attacking her, Yavonovitch wanted support from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo & other top State. Dept officials. That never happened. "I was told that there was caution about any kind of a statement, because it could be undermined" by Trump.

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google translate:  переклад
Дата публікації:04.11.2019 19:48:12
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Категорії (оригінал):US politics;Donald Trump;Trump impeachment inquiry;Democrats;Republicans;House of Representatives;US elections 2020;US news
Додано:04.11.2019 20:02:13

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