Переклади, аналітика, моніторинг - Україна (і не лише) очима іноземних ЗМІ
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Знайдено на сайті:The Observer
Мова:9 (English / English)

Europe might be in political turmoil, but there’s still a place for dreamers | Raffaela Scaglietta


A trip to see an art exhibition in Naples made me realise the optimism Europe still gives its people

Not long ago I dreamed I was a child travelling from Rome to Naples for the first time with my parents. I saw the vivid blue colour of the sea from the train and felt the excitement pulsing inside me as we walked from the station to the harbour. Then I was woken by a phone call, from one of my best friends in Rome. She was on her way to Termini, the capital’s central station. I was late. I only had one hour left to meet her there and jump on a train to Naples – this time for real. She’d encouraged me to make the trip because these days Naples is more dynamic, open and cleaner than Rome, and it’s not as dangerous as it once was. We wanted to see two beautiful art exhibitions: one of Caravaggio, the magician of light, the other of Canova, including, for the first time, his masterpiece Bust of Peace, which had been specially transported from Ukraine.

Pino Daniele is the soul of Naples. Crazy, unpredictable, fun, powerful, loving and melancholic, like the city itself

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Дата публікації:10.07.2019 8:00:27
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Категорії (оригінал):Migration;Europe;Italy;Art;World news
Додано:10.07.2019 9:01:55

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