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Мова:9 (English / English)

Israel’s Spiritual Gangster Becomes a Political Kingmaker


What to make of Moshe Feiglin? Until a few months ago, the radical right-wing activist and former Likud backbencher was no one’s idea of a political contender, let alone kingmaker. Now, if polls are to be believed, Israelis casting their votes are slated to hand Feiglin’s party, Zehut—the word is Hebrew for identity—as many as seven Knesset seats, which might make it the most sought-after partner for anyone seeking to assemble the country’s next coalition. Much has already been written about Zehut’s unorthodox platform, which advocates for a host of seemingly incompatible policies, such as the legalization of marijuana and the establishment of an independent halachic legal system side by side with the country’s secular courts. What’s behind the party’s rapid rise? Seven observations come to mind:

Feiglin Is a Spiritual Gangster: The Israeli pundits straining to explain Feiglin’s appeal were telling a simple, sour story: Duped by the candidate’s faux libertarian vibe and charmed by his emphasis on legalizing weed, scores of Israelis were too gullible or lazy to bother reading the other bits of his platform, and were cheering on a wolf who would, the moment he was elected, shed his sheep’s clothing and engage in extreme right-wing policies. But voters are rarely as dumb and deplorable as the media make them out to be. Most of Feiglin’s voters know precisely what he stands for, and they support him because, not in spite of it. Why? Because the left is decimated and out of ideas, and the right, a decade now in power, has done little but manage the status quo. Politics being every bit as much a game of emotional thrusts as it is of logical calculations, Israeli voters—just like voters in Ukraine, England, the United States and elsewhere—are yearning for someone who speaks not in the hushed tones of civil servants but in the passionate alto of a radical promising to reconnect the nation with its fundamental values. “The Zehut Party,” reads its platform, “grew out of a recognition formed over decades that it is not possible to repair the seemingly simple and practical problems of the State of Israel without leadership that believes in the G-d of Israel and turns to Him.” Which, the platform clarifies, doesn’t mean that the leadership has to be religious; it can be secular, and it should concern itself with earthly affairs like decriminalizing weed, as long as it is powered not by the grays of parliamentary democracy but by the stark blues and whites of a sacred horizon. When it comes to religion, most Israelis consider themselves, at the very least, traditional, and many are growing increasingly observant. Glance at the Instagram accounts of the country’s most popular singers, actors, and athletes, and you’ll see a bevy of famous men in tefillin and celebrated women lighting Shabbat candles to the digital adoration of their like-minded fans. These displays of immediate, unequivocal, and uncomplicated pride in being Jewish is sorely lacking from the established political parties. To some, like Likud, Judaism is a strategic asset, to be protected against future attacks. To others, like Blue and White, it’s a liability, to be negotiated with bearded haredi zealots. To Zehut, it’s the cornerstone, and one that is compatible with most other aspects of modern life. This spiritual affirmation is one that voters appreciate, and it was perfectly delivered by the straight-talking Feiglin, unadorned by heated rhetoric or empty promises. Most Israelis, it turns out, are far from repulsed by the idea of theirs being a really Jewish state.

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Дата публікації:09.04.2019 7:00:48
Url коментарів:https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/283015/israels-spiritual-gangster#respond
Категорії (оригінал):Jewish News & Politics;Middle East;libertarians;Moshe Feiglin;Zehut
Додано:09.04.2019 8:16:05

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