Переклади, аналітика, моніторинг - Україна (і не лише) очима іноземних ЗМІ
      Human rights      
  Міжнародні відносини  

Знайдено на сайті:Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Мова:9 (English / English)

Ukrainian Police Search Russian Orthodox Churches, Homes Of Priests

Резюме:Ukrainian police have searched several Russian Orthodox churches and the homes of Russian Orthodox priests in several cities, amid growing tensions over the fate of Ukraine's competing Orthodox faiths.​ The searches occurred in Kyiv and the nearby Zhytomyr region on December 3 and were part of a criminal investigation into inciting hatred and violence, according to a statement by Ukraine's main security service, the SBU. A police spokeswoman told Agence-France Presse that security services were searching homes of priests who are loyal to the Russian branch of the Orthodox Church. The Russian Orthodox Church said a day earlier that more than 20 Orthodox priests had been summoned for questioning by the SBU. The Istanbul-based organization that serves as the spiritual headquarters for Orthodox Christianity has moved to grant the Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence from oversight by the Russian church in Moscow. The Russian church has vehemently opposed the move, and announced it would break ties in protest. Tensions have been building amid questions over ownership to churches, monasteries, and historic properties. Based on reporting by AP, AFP
google translate:  переклад
Дата публікації:04.12.2018 6:06:20
Url коментарів:
Категорії (оригінал):News;Russia;Ukraine
Додано:04.12.2018 7:17:19

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