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Comment on Israeli politicians suspect Netanyahu seeks election to survive corruption probes by #'~A*Q@Xm(>NRmm]w?dU4v!=^%

Резюме:Putin's call made Prime Murderer Netanyahu call off his dogs: https://www.haaretz.COM/world-news/europe/putin-s-call-with-netanyahu-called-time-on-israel-s-syrian-strikes-1.5809118 Your Prime Murderer has been calling for war on Iran since 1992, when he accused Iran of being oh-so-close to having nuclear weapons. That year, he said that Iran was three-to-five years away from obtaining them. Twenty years later (i.e. in 2012), after making dire predictions every couple of years, he proclaimed that Iran was “a few months away”. https://www.counterpunch.ORG/2017/09/01/netanyahu-the-international-answer-to-chicken-little/ Then, before the JCPOA was signed, John Kerry said the PM was 'genuinely agitating toward action' against Iran. https://www.haaretz.COM/us-news/israel-egypt-pushed-u-s-to-bomb-iran-john-kerry-says-1.5627176 Why all this warmongering against Iran? Because Israel's army is too small to take on Iran with conventional weapons. So the only way to attack Iran is to use WMD, i.e. its nuclear weapons. At the Munich Security Conference this February your PM made his latest threat against Iran. During that speech, he brought in a piece of metal from the downed Iranian drone, then addressed the Iranian Foreign Minister directly: <i>"Mr. Zarif, do you recognize this? You should. It’s yours. You can take back with you a message to the tyrants of Tehran: Do not test Israel’s resolve."</i> Israel's resolve? He obviously means Israel will use its WMD when the time is right. Your Prime Murderer really made a complete fool of himself, incl. bringing up the annihilation of 6 million Jews in Israel !! Jeez, that number 6 million again, now where have we seen that before? It certainly is a number that has been banded around since at least 1900: 1) 1900-06-11 The New York Times ... 6,000,000 LIVING, BLEEDING, SUFFERING ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OR ZIONISM http://query.nytimes.COM/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9E01E7D61F3CE433A25752C1A9609C946197D6CF 2) 1918-10-18 The New York Times ... 6,000,000 Jews Need Help http://query.nytimes.COM/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9B0CE5DB1539E13ABC4052DFB6678383609EDE 3) 1919-09-08 The New York Times ... 6,000,000 Jews in Ukraine and Poland to be exterminated http://query.nytimes.COM/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9B00E0DE153AE03ABC4053DFBF668382609EDE 4) 1919-11-12 The New York Times ... 6,000,000 JEWISH SOULS FACING POVERTY, STARVATION AND DISEASE http://query.nytimes.COM/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9E02E6DC1F3BEE3ABC4A52DFB7678382609EDE 5) 1936-05-31 The New York Times ... SAVE MILLIONS OF JEWS ESCAPE FROM THE EUROPEAN HOLOCAUST http://www.nytimes.COM/learning/teachers/archival/19360531petition.pdf http://mondoweiss.NET/2018/02/annihilate-netanyahus-interrupted/ Anyway, here is an amusing analysis of your PM's ridiculous, nothing new rant: http://mondoweiss.NET/2018/02/annihilate-netanyahus-interrupted/ Enjoy.
google translate:  переклад
Дата публікації:12.03.2018 11:20:00
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Додано:12.03.2018 12:13:35

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