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Trump speaks at a Kentucky rally in front of supporters with 'READ THE TRANSCRIPT' shirts


Trump rally KentuckyFox 10 Phoenix/Youtube

  • President Donald Trump spoke at a rally in Lexington, Kentucky, on November 4, the same day that the public phase of the impeachment inquiry began.
  • Trump supporters debuted a new campaign shirt with the phrase "READ THE TRANSCRIPT" at a rally in Kentucky on Monday.
  • Trump's chief defense as the impeachment inquiry progresses is to "read the transcript," referring to the summary transcript of a call between the president and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky released by the White House.
  • However, even though the president insists that investigators should refer to the transcript, Insider's John Haltiwanger points out it actually does more to damage to the president's case rather than helps it.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Trump supporters debuted a new campaign shirt with the phrase "READ THE TRANSCRIPT" at a rally in Kentucky on Monday.

President Donald Trump spoke at a rally in Lexington, Kentucky, on November 4, the same day that the public phase of the impeachment inquiry began.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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SEE ALSO: 21 of the most creative signs die-hard supporters have brought to Trump rallies

google translate:  переклад
Дата публікації:05.11.2019 9:10:28
Автор:[email protected] (Lauren Frias)
Url коментарів:
Категорії (оригінал):Donald Trump, trump rally, Kentucky, Ukraine, Trump impeachment,
Додано:05.11.2019 9:21:14

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